Baby Steps to Big Dreams

 I mentioned last week that I decided to change my major to marketing with a minor in social media. I also mentioned that patience is not one of my finest qualities however, to turn it into a positive quality I often describe myself as driven and ambitious. Combining both those things, my goal is to own my own marketing agency. Owning my own agency already sounds a little ambitious, but to take it to another level I want to start while I am in college.

A couple of days after changing my major I had an interview with Follow the Eyes in Lima. Follow the Eyes is a full-service marketing agency, so I was excited to potentially get the opportunity to get hands on experience. I haven’t heard If I got the job yet, however in the meantime I knew there was something else I could do.

So that brings me back to my main point of being slightly impatient and very driven. Last Thursday I decided to launch my own social media marketing strategy business. After a lot of research, I finally landed upon a name that is not taken yet, “Boho Media Co.” As of now I have an Instagram and Facebook page and am sharing simple strategies to help small businesses elevate their social media and grow their brand.

I want to grow my personal brand so I gain credibility, however, am not looking to take on many clients while in college so I can focus on my academics. However, I have taken on one client who is trying to grow their online presence for a newly launched exterior car detailing business. By helping this brand grow their social media, it is teaching me the ins and outs of working of different platforms. I am hoping the little steps I am taking now will pay off in the future and I will be able to launch a real marketing agency.


  1. Hi Maiya! That is so exciting for you. I think that if there is something you feel drawn to or passionate about, you should go for it. This is a great step in the right direction. I hope all works out for you!


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