Final weeks, final blog

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas break is often compared to the last lap of Mario Kart where the music gets more intense and everything gets super stressful. It is easy to get overwhelmed by finals and all the projects that need completed, however I felt pretty ready. I made my to do lists and went through all my emails so I could start the week fresh. However sometimes no matter how prepared you think you are, there are some things that are just out of your control. One of those things being getting sick. Yes, I got sick the week after Thanksgiving, however, was still able to stay on top of the game for the most part.

Although the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas break is stressful, I also think it is a great time to reflect on the past semester. The fall 2022 semester was the first semester of my second year at Ohio Northern University. It was nice to know what to expect going into this semester. Although I didn’t know what my professors would be like, I did have a better idea of what living on my own would be like compared to freshman year when everything was new. Overall, this semester was a good one, I not only learned a lot in my classed, but I also learned a lot about myself. I learned that as much as I like numbers, I also enjoy being creative and using my soft skills. Discovering how passionate I am about creativity, made me decide to change my major to marketing from accounting. A jump that totally changed my career path.

I also learned a lot about blogging. One of the biggest challenges I found with blogging was coming up with topics to talk about. The struggle didn’t stop there, once you decided what you wanted to talk about, you them had to figure out a way to make it interesting enough that people would want to read it. Although it was challenging figuring out how to make my blogs interesting, I learned new writing skills and how to think beyond the situation and tie a lesson in. Blogging also made me more aware of what I was doing because I was constantly trying to think of my next blogging topic. Finally, I gained a new respect for people who regularly blog. Blogging is quite a time commitment and because there are so many bloggers out there, it takes even more effort to be noticed. I am grateful for the things I learned this semester and through blogging and want to thank you for being apart of my journey!


  1. I am sorry to hear you got sick. I love your comparison to the last lap of Mario Kart. I think it is a great idea to take a step back and reflect on the semester. You won't really appreciate how far you have came unless you do that. I hope you finish the semester strong and good luck next semester!

  2. I like your words of mario cart. The weeks after thanksgiving passes quickly and I haven't reflected this semester yet. However, I think reflecting my semester is really important for me becasue it was my first semester in the state and learned countless numbers of things. I have to do before I forget them. Anyway, I cant wait for Christmas break :)

  3. I love the mario cart reference and fully relate to that! I also learned so much from blogging but did struggle with it at times. I loved reading your post though!

  4. What a great analogy! I cannot relate as much this year as I have do not have any finals to take, but this is what it felt like last year. Although it does get more intense, finals week presents a lot of great opportunities. It can be really beneficial if you are sitting right below a letter grade where you can improve. We only have one more week until freedom so we all need to hang in there!


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