Freedom from Fear

“Are you traveling alone?” The four words that looped in my mind the night before I headed to the airport by myself. As I ran through scenario after scenario of what to do if someone asked me if I were traveling alone, my list of options grew but so did my fear. As I pictured myself deer in head lights staring down danger, my heart started to beat a little faster and I whispered, “God, are you warning me?” How could I know? Was I being dramatic? Was I just in my head? Did I need to cancel my trip? Still on edge, I headed to the airport. Making my way through security and down the plane to find my seat, I was greeted with the warmest smile as I said, “I think I’m sharing this row with you.” We started chatting about where we were headed and when I mentioned my location, the person across the aisle looked up and said, “Hey! I’m going there too!” So together we navigated our way through the Charolette airport to make our connecting flight. After a smooth flight into Dayton where I had a whole row to myself, I made my way towards the exit where an officer stood. I smiled, he smiled, and then he stopped me. No, he didn’t ask me if I was traveling alone and no I did stand there deer in headlights, rather he said, “Thank you for smiling. We don’t get that very much anymore.” I expressed my gratitude for his service and before I knew it was back on the road driving home. Thinking about the words that kept me up the night before I headed to the airport, I felt silly that I was even worried or wondered if God was warning me. In a time of so much fear and unrest, how do we know if the enemy is trying to hold us back or if God is warning us? 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of peace of mind.” So, if the warning feels more like fear and anxiety and comes with confusion, it is not from God. Warnings from God come with confidence and a peace of knowing. The kind that makes you walk the other way, not keep you up stirring in bed. Do not let fear be the reason you miss an opportunity but go in confidence knowing God is with you.


  1. It is truly amazing how warnings from God come with such an overwhelming feeling of confidence! 2 Timothy 1:7 is one of my favorite verses and truly brings me peace when I have stressed or worried. God's peace of mind truly helps ease my fears.


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