Strategic Planning

    No matter which acronym you prefer, the stage following research is planning. By establishing the strategy of how to implement, practitioners take time to organize their ideas and prioritize their thinking to most effectively implement and achieve results. Strategic planning is a key component to creating value for an organization or brand. Strategic planning often requires strategic communication to help outline the plan. From developing reactive responses to crises to developing plans to pull off a grand opening of a new store, strategic planning gives the PR practitioner direction. Strategic planning is most effective when the GOST model is applied. The GOST model refers to establishing goals and measurable objectives then forming strategies and tactics for achieving those goals and objectives. These goals must be guided by research that can help save time and resources by not repeating mistakes made in the past and by implementing ideas proven to work. Even when PR practitioners have to respond quickly, the planning stage should not be skipped. Along with that, it is also important to note that strategic planning is a marathon, not a race. If you build in time on the front end of the process, the planning stage can result in the most fruitful results. To make it to the finish time, follow the PACE model. The PACE model reminds you to prioritize what is essential, attest that you are on board to move to the next step, change and adjust when needed and educate yourself. Effective planning is essential to achieving your goals.


  1. Chase Coburn: This is a great blog! I've never heard of the GOST model, and you explained it well. Thank you for that.


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