Purpose Anxiety is a Liar

     The past couple weeks I have blogged about what I have learned in my different classes, however this week I have a bigger lesson to share. A lesson that you can’t learn from a textbook, but a lesson that only God can open your eyes to. Senior year is a big year full of new opportunities and lots of transitions. It is easy to get overwhelmed trying to figure out the next right step, however when I was reading my devotional this week, I was reminded that I don’t have to have everything figured out right now. My devotional challenged me to think about how different my day-to-day would look if I realized that my purpose hasn’t stopped just because the season I’m in has changed, or that my list of questions has grown. I want to encourage you with a simple reminder that your purpose is not a certain career, address or status; your purpose has not stopped with the changing of a season because your purpose is to know God and bring glory to Him in whatever you do. This means that you still have significant purpose even in the unfamiliar territory you are walking through. Your duty to the Lord is to be lived out in fullness right here, right now. So next time purpose anxiety tries to creep in, hold tight to what you know is true. You do not have to have everything figured out, just take the next step, and remember that the God who wrote your story is walking right beside you.


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