From Mountain Tops to Reality

You know that feeling when you try something new, and the world is at your fingertips. You wake up knowing the possibilities are endless and nothing can bring you down. Then fast forward a couple day or maybe a couple of weeks and reality starts to sink in. Reality might not even be a bad thing, but you are off your adrenaline rush. This is the exact rollercoaster I have been riding the past couple of weeks.

As you know, I changed my major from accounting to marketing with a minor in social media. Along with changing my major, I decided to launch a social media strategy business called “Boho Media Co.” Eventually I hope to expand it to “Boho Media and Marketing” and be a full-service marketing agency. However, while in college, my goal is simply to spread brand awareness and gain credibility. Growing my brand while in college will help prepare me for when I graduate and am ready to take on clients. However, going back to spreading brand awareness, it has not been as easy as I pictured.

After scrolling for hours looking at established social media businesses, I sat discouraged wondering how they make it look so easy. I try to follow their tips and tricks to grow my personal brand, but with each post I make, I get the same seven likes and stare at the same 60 followers. Although I am grateful for the followers I have and engagement I receive, I still sit there wondering how other businesses are so successful.

What I’m learning is good things take time. We hear it so often, but a business is not going to wildly succeed overnight. I am also learning to be persistent. Just because a reel only gets 100 views or a post only gets six likes, keep showing up. These aren’t easy lessons to learn, but if you can master the skill of continuing to show up even when it seems like nothing is happening, you can get through anything.


  1. I love this, I love that you went out and did this! This was truly so inspirational, I hope you find so much success. Remember Jerimiah 29:11 I think that will help you in your times of discouragement!

  2. I like your drive and dedication. People often look at companies or people's goals as a joke until they accomplish them. Apple and Nike both started super small. They absolutely had people that did not believe in them and they just kept showing up and doing the work.

  3. This is so cool! I think it is very smart of you to get a head start on achieving your goals. You have so much potential. Your drive is impressive!


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