College and Self-Care

     College and self-care, some days they go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly and other days they look a little more like oil and water. College is a time to find what sets your soul on fire, figure out who you want to be and discover what you want to do in the future. All to say, college can be a stressful time. In the process of figuring out what you are passionate about, sometimes it takes figuring out what you aren’t passionate about first. While at the same time you are taking rigorous classes to set your self up for a bright future. Even when picturing your future, there is always a little voice in the back of your mind reminding you that one wrong turn could blow it all. In the times when you feel the most pressure to figure everything out, you have two options. You can either take care of your self and use it as a time to grow or you can let yourself go and get discouraged by the challenges.

    For me, I notice myself doing a little of both. My time at college has shown me that if I don’t put the effort in to take care of myself, I will go down the path of letting the challenges get the best of me. Although, it can be hard to recover from those experiences, I now have a routine in place to make sure I always make time for self-care. Sometimes my self-care looks like going for a walk, taking an extra long shower, cooking a good meal or maybe going to bed a little early. By establishing little habits, you are setting yourself up to turn challenges into opportunities to grow. In the moment, it is not always easy to pick self-care over stress. However, when you take care of yourself, you are giving the world the best of you not what is left of you.


  1. College can definitely be very stressful. My way of dealing with it is just by taking things one day at a time. I know that is pretty cliche, but it simplifies and makes things more manageable to me than thinking of everything at once.

  2. I agree with you a lot. College is a very stressful time. It can be difficult to deal with the pressure from outsiders wanting you to know your life plan already. I think it’s pretty unrealistic and try to not let the pressures get to me. I tend to get caught up in my assignments and neglect taking some time for myself.

  3. I totally agree with you. College sometimes makes me stressed and also gives me some passion. I put some self-care like relaxing into my daily routine as well. Mine is going walking or running at Green Monster or watching movies with my friends.

  4. Having a way to de-stress is critical to survive college. I find that when I take time away from my studies and do something I enjoy doing, such as golfing and video games, I tend to do better overall in school.

  5. I loved all of your points in this blog! Self care is something I really enjoy and need in my life. Recently I haven't been finding the time for it in my days. This causes bad habits to form for me, I need to work on self care becoming a priority. Also I love long walks around the green monster when I am stressed. I hope to be able to do that soon!


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